Friday, April 6, 2012

A Good Bash Begins

I have been thinking that I need to start writing again, or rather that I should make more of an effort to actually document certain parts of my life. Now I have not always enjoyed the word "document", mostly because of my negative association of the word with such horrors as corporate business analysis "deliverables", insufferable art-speak and academic excrement. That said, it still probably best describes the process of leaving a trail of written artifacts pertaining to some or other common thread or thought. I think that a space like Facebook, whilst on the one hand encouraging some level of documentation, can also make one lazy to really document in a way that attempts to add some substance to the subject matter that is being channeled through this platform.

I don't really think that any of these sentiments are particularly earth-shattering or revealing, but maybe they are able set the scene for something that does not pretend to be that. A great story often unfolds slowly and really makes a far larger impact when its development is apparent. Maybe I'll post a couple of things that could start to resemble a story of sorts. I hope so.

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